The Subway


The Subway


My feelings regarding having the Fuji G617 with me on the hike in to the Subway were almost identical to the ones I had regarding it and the Angel’s Landing hike. Both hikes were brutal and butt-kicking, especially given the weight of the cameras in the bag on my back. But as with the Angel’s Landing hike, I recovered from the effort of this hike within a few days and years later still have the images that Fuji allowed me to make. It was a difficult hike, even more so with all the cameras I was carrying, but the 6x17 nature of the Fuji was perfectly suited for the layout of the Subway and it was the first camera out of my bag when we finally reached this point.

A part of my “One of Four” series, this photo was made with a Fuji 6x17 film camera. Sadly this camera is now out of commission and all proceeds via the sales of prints from this set will go to help getting this camera to the repair shop and back in action. Thank you!

This panoramic image is printed personally by me and measures approximately 12.5 inches by 40 inches.
