Walls of Zion


Walls of Zion


The 6x17 format is an interesting one to work with. There are times where I treat its composing in its severely rectangular format like writing a story in that there is a narrative that reads from left to right as you move through the width of the frame. In some ways, I feel like I composed this rare vertical 6x17 frame the same way. To me, there are three chapters to this image: the red canyon walls, the autumn colors and the flowing Virgin River. All three are important elements in the grander story that was my experience in Zion National Park and I like how the eye can flow through this image, either top to bottom or vice versa, in tracing this visual story. I don’t know if that makes sense to you, the viewer, or not. But it is the briefest peeks I suppose into how I think when I am working with this camera and trying to arrange slices of the world into its rectangular frame.

A part of my “One of Four” series, this photo was made with a Fuji 6x17 film camera. Sadly this camera is now out of commission and all proceeds via the sales of prints from this set will go to help getting this camera to the repair shop and back in action. Thank you!

This panoramic image is printed personally by me and measures approximately 12.5 inches by 40 inches.
