The Road to Ohanapecosh


The Road to Ohanapecosh


The worst part of the drive along Highway 123 on the outskirts of Mt. Rainier National Park is that there are approximately 500 more places you want to stop and pull over than there are available pull-outs. The whole drive runs right through the thick, forested wilderness of the park and in a stroke of genius the engineers who built the highway opted to omit any sort of shoulder so that the forest would grow right up to the edge of the road. The result is an amazingly beautiful drive that is like driving through a tunnel of forest.

A part of my “One of Four” series, this photo was made with a Fuji 6x17 film camera. Sadly this camera is now out of commission and all proceeds via the sales of prints from this set will go to help getting this camera to the repair shop and back in action. Thank you!

This panoramic image is printed personally by me and measures approximately 12.5 inches by 40 inches.
