Trail to Angel's Landing


Trail to Angel's Landing


It could easily be argued that hauling a camera as big as a Fuji G617 up the switchbacks of Angel’s Landing is a bit ridiculous. I wouldn’t disagree. It is a ridiculous, especially given the fact that there was also a Pentax 67, two pinhole cameras, a Holga and who knows what else in my camera bag that day. But then again, I would point out, when will the next time be that I am given an opportunity to hike this trail and see its sights? Sore legs and shoulders recover in a day or three, but the photos last much longer. So yes, on this particular day I am sure I regretted the weight of this camera in my bag to some degree, but those feelings were quite fleeting and looking back I am glad I had it with me to be able to make this image.

A part of my “One of Four” series, this photo was made with a Fuji 6x17 film camera. Sadly this camera is now out of commission and all proceeds via the sales of prints from this set will go to help getting this camera to the repair shop and back in action. Thank you!

This panoramic image is printed personally by me and measures approximately 12.5 inches by 40 inches.
